Victoria Ash Parents: Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Ash Amos P. Godby High School GPA 3.56 College Admission: Florida A&M University Awards:
2012 Best & Brightest Recipient in Public Speaking; Academic Bars 2009-2012; Valedictorian FAMU Upward Bound Summer Prog.; Assoc. of Godby Graduates Honoree; FAMU Upward Bound Queen 2010-2011 Community Service : Voters Registrar 2010-2012; Seven Hills Nursing Home; Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony; Thanksgiving Food Give-A-Way Project Goo; Leukemia & Lymphoma Cancer Society; Klara Key Park Clean Up 2011 Area of Study: Nursing Essay Excerpts: I am deserving of this scholarship because I understand that everything in life is not going to be easy. I realize that I may stumble upon obstacles suddenly appearing when I least expect it; however, I will keep striving for nothing but greatness. I am determined not to give up. Failing is not a part of my character because I am the epitome of a victorious miracle story.
Christiaan Davis Parents: Patricia Rouse and Kipp Davis Leon High School GPA 2.57 College Admission: Mars Hill College, North Carolina Awards:
Bernard Miller Scholarship and Most Valuable Player; Offensive Player of the Week/Year Leon HS; FBLA Top 25 in the state in Sports Management; Florida/Georgia Border War All-Star Selection Area of Study: Sports Management Community Service: Messenger, 2012 FL House of Representatives Motivational Speaker, Fellowship of Christian Athletes Relay for life EPS Challengers March of Dimes Youth Usher Department President, Youth Choir Served on Temperance Committee Essay Excerpts: I come from humble beginnings and hardships, but I still managed to become who I am today. It was a blessing to be born due to the fact that I wasn’t supposed to live and neither was my mother. “I am #77, and I have to work “twice as hard “seven” days a week to be the best I can be in school, the city, state, and nation.”
Tre’von Ford Parent: Hazel Huggins Amos P. Godby High School GPA 2.97 College Admission: Santa Fe College Gainesville, FL Awards: 1st Team All-State 1st All Big Bend
Julie Lam Parents: Jack and Jill Lam Leon High School - GPA 3.81 College Admission: University of Florida Gainesville, FL Awards: Honor Roll All 4 yrs. National Honor Society 2011-2012
Full Basketball Scholarship 2012 National Honors Achievement Society Community Service: Counselor, Maclay Baseball Camp Counselor, Maclay Basketball Camp Individual Basketball Fundamental Teaching to kids 7 to 12 at Maclay Area of Study: Sports and Fitness Administration Essay Excerpts: I believe that earning this scholarship will help me grow and become more responsible. It will help me prove that I am a growing, responsible young man that is focusing and doing the right thing. I realize that from now on, I have to make responsible decisions and wise choices in order to fulfill my God given purpose. By gaining this scholarship I know I will have a lot of expectations to exceed and I plan to do so.
Math Honor Society 2010-2012 Latin National Honor Society 2010-2012 3rd and 5th place Latin State Competition 2010 All A’s in Latin Award 2009-2012 Area of Study: Pre Med Community Service: North FL Legal Services 20009-2012; Internship at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Pediatric Unit (70 hrs.) Teen Court 2008-2012 Gadsden Human Society 2011-2012 Global Peace Exchange Club Pierian National Honor Society Rubus Gestis Latin Club 2008-2012; International Club Essay Excerpts: I have given my best effort to have good grades in school. English is not my first language. But even with that I continued to do my school work and I got into the University of Florida. I just need a boost to start my freshman year and I have shown in the academic and service field that I am qualified and deserving for this scholarship.